Electrical Contractors

in Florida

Backup Power Specialists

Home Energy Protection & Power

Solar Panels

We live in the “sunshine state.” It’s only natural to utilize our resources.

If the grid goes dark, flip a switch to bring power back on in your home.

Solar Batteries

Don’t just collect solar, harness it!
Batteries provide you independence.

Create a fortress around your home, appliances and high-end electronics.

Electrical Services

We specialize in backup power, but we’re also certified electricians that can do all traditional electrical work.

Protect your home or commercial property from a direct lightning strike.

Build a Fortress

Protect your entire home or business with our advanced protection system designed to defend against lightning strikes, EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulses), CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), and power surges. Our state-of-the-art technology ensures comprehensive shielding, safeguarding your valuable electronics and critical infrastructure from potentially devastating electrical disturbances. Stay secure and maintain peace of mind with our reliable and robust protection solutions.

Talk To One Of Our Experts

We are the first to admit that discussing power protection can be intimidating.

The best way we can ensure you are getting what you need is to have a conversation.

Please share your details with us, and we will promptly reach out.

Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business!