How to Prepare for Hurricane Season

Florida residents experience a significantly high number of power outages, more than many other states. A recent survey revealed that, on average, customers experience 50 to 100 outages each year. While this might not seem like much, blackouts can cause disruption of daily life, reduce productivity, and pose significant health and safety concerns.

Most power blackouts result from equipment failure, vehicle accidents, human error, and even animals interfering with power lines. However, the leading cause of power outages in Florida is natural events, mainly hurricanes and tropical storms.

When Hurricane Ian struck in 2022, it caused widespread damage, downing power lines and leaving over 2.6 million residents without power for days and even weeks. With hurricane season upon us, it’s wise to prepare adequately to mitigate potential damage to equipment and appliances, as well as prevent disruptions to everyday life. Here’s how to face this hurricane season with preparedness:

Create an Emergency Plan

Hurricanes and storms have the potential to damage power lines, disrupt water supply, and cut off internet connections. This can mean surviving without essential services for days or even weeks.

Create an emergency plan that details what to do when a storm hits, including escape routes and a designated meeting point. Additionally, ensure you have an emergency kit stocked with essentials, like clean drinking water, non-perishable food, medications, flashlights, and a first-aid kit.

Secure Your Home

When a hurricane hits, your home can be vulnerable to high-speed winds. Storm shutters are a great investment, but if you don't have them, plywood can work in a pinch. Make sure to trim tall trees and shrubs around your home, as loose branches can become dangerous projectiles in high winds. Check your roof for loose shingles or tiles and make necessary repairs and bring in outdoor furniture and decorations that could get picked up by the wind.

Protect Your Electrical System

Power outages are common during hurricanes, and electrical surges can damage your home’s wiring and appliances. While strip surge protectors can protect devices connected to your power outlets, installing whole-home surge protection can offer comprehensive protection for all the devices and appliances in your home, as well as the electrical panel. Whole-home surge protectors work by diverting excess voltage away from your home’s electrical system and must be installed by a certified and trusted professional.

Ensure Backup Power Supply

Having a backup power supply can be a lifesaver during the hurricane season. There are two main types to consider: portable generators and standby generators. Portable generators are less expensive and can power a few essential devices, like your refrigerator and a couple of lights. Standby generators are more powerful and can keep your entire home running for hours or days. Whichever type you choose, make sure it's well-maintained and ready to go.

Stay Connected

Staying informed and connected during a hurricane can help you access reliable information about the storm's path, intensity, and expected impact. This can help you make informed decisions and take necessary precautions, stay updated on evacuation orders, shelter locations, and emergency services available in your area.

In emergencies, communication can become difficult due to power outages or disrupted cellular networks, so it’s important to have multiple means of receiving information, like radio, television, and smartphone apps.

Seek Shelter

When the storm hits, safety should be your main concern. Stay indoors and away from windows. If you lose power, use flashlights instead of candles to avoid the risk of fire. Avoid using electrical appliances, unless it’s absolutely necessary, and stay away from power lines.

If you have a backup generator, make sure it's placed outside, away from windows and doors, to minimize the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Never try to repair downed power lines yourself; call professionals to handle any electrical issues.

Invest in Lightning Protection

During severe storms, lightning strikes can cause fires, damage electrical systems, and even result in injuries or fatalities. Investing in a quality whole-home lightning protection system for your home can help you mitigate these risks. Lightning protection systems work by redirecting lightning current away from your home and safely into the ground.

Final Thoughts

Although it’s impossible to completely avoid hurricanes, we can take proactive steps to prioritize safety and minimize potential damage. Taking these steps will not only help protect your home from lightning strikes but save you from risk of injury and massive repair bills.

If you have more questions about whole-home surge protection or backup power for your home, contact KingAire now to book a free consultation.


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