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Understanding Type 1, 2, & 3 Surge Protectors

Electrical surges are more common than most people might think. In fact, the average American household experiences over 2,000 potentially damaging electrical surges each year, leaving them with damaged electrical systems, electrical appliances, and expensive repair bills.

Surge protectors can help protect your appliances and electrical systems from electrical surges caused by lightning strikes, electrical overload, or faulty wiring. In this blog, we'll explore surge protection in depth, specifically focusing on the differences between Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 surge protectors, to help you understand how they can help safeguard your home from electrical surges.

What is a Surge Protector and Why Do You Need One for Your Home?

A surge protector guards your appliances and electrical systems from the potentially damaging effects of electrical surges. Essentially, a surge projector acts like a protective barrier between your valuable electronics and sudden spikes in voltage by redirecting excess energy away from them. Surge protectors work by utilizing components like metal oxide varistors (MOVs) to detect power surges and divert them safely away from your home and into the ground.

When investing in a surge protector for your home, it's crucial to have it installed by professionals. Proper installation by trained professionals not only ensures that the surge protector is positioned effectively but also guarantees that it's connected to a reliable ground, maximizing its effectiveness in protecting your electronics. So, while surge protectors may seem like a simple addition to your home, their proper installation and maintenance are vital to protecting your electrical system and home appliances from electrical surges.

The Difference Between Type 1, 2 & 3 Surge Protectors

Surge protectors safeguard our homes and electronic devices from voltage spikes. However, not all surge protectors are created equal. Let’s look at the differences between Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 surge protectors to understand how they help protect your home from electrical surges:

Type 1 Surge Protectors:

Also known as service entrance surge protectors, type 1 surge protectors are installed at the main electrical panel of your home. Type 1 surge protectors shield your electrical systems against electrical surges originating from outside sources, such as lightning strikes or power fluctuations in the grid. These heavy-duty protectors are the first line of defense for your home, ensuring that surges are neutralized before they can cause damage to your electronics and electrical system.

Type 2 Surge Protectors:

Type 2 surge protectors, often referred to as panel surge protectors, are installed at your home’s electrical subpanel or distribution panel level. They offer protection against moderate surges that may occur within your home's electrical system, such as those caused by switching on and off large appliances. Type 2 surge protectors work in tandem with Type 1 protectors and provide an added layer of defense for your home.

Type 3 Surge Protectors:

Type 3 surge protectors, also known as point-of-use surge protectors, are the final line of defense. The compact nature of type 3 surge protectors allows them to be installed at individual outlets or directly into electronic devices, offering localized protection and safeguarding specific electronics from surges that may slip past the Type 1 and Type 2 protectors. Type 3 surge protectors are perfect for sensitive equipment like computers, TVs, and home entertainment systems.

Safeguard your Home Today

Every year in America, countless homes fall victim to damaging electrical surges, destroying electrical systems, electronic devices, and home appliances. Whether it's a lightning strike or a sudden power surge from the grid, a power surge can leave you with huge repair bills. Moreover, with the increasing reliance on electronic devices in our homes, the risk of damage from electrical surges is higher than ever before.

So, don't wait until disaster strikes. Protect your home and electronics with KingAire’s surge protection solutions, which are designed to mitigate the risks posed by electrical surges. With the right surge protection in place, you can rest easy knowing that your devices are safe from harm, no matter what Mother Nature throws your way. Call us now at (850) 565-9138 or contact us today to learn more about our services.